How does SimpleBills estimate my final bill?

Because we want your estimated final bill to be as accurate as possible, we calculate it based on 90 days of your own past utility usage at your current address. After looking at your past bills, we also factor in historical weather trends and bill history for the property and region you live in.

All in all, our goal is to give you a fair estimate for your final bill much quicker than you would receive an actual final bill from a utility provider.

If you choose to, you can contact SimpleBills to make arrangements to True Up your estimated final bill with the actual final bill and SimpleBills will determine the following: Please be advised that not all accounts are eligible for a true-up.

  • If the estimated bill is less than the actual bill, SimpleBills will make arrangements for you to pay more to cover the actual utility costs.
  • If the estimated bill is higher than the actual bill, SimpleBills will send a refund check to the permanent address you have provided.

Please note the following:

  • This true-up cannot start until we have received all of the utility bills for the period of time that has been estimated. This may take up to 8 to 12 weeks after you move out. After SimpleBills has received all of the actual utility bills we will begin the true-up process.
  • In order to be eligible for reconciliation, you must fill out the form within 30 days of your lease end date. 
  • This True-Up cannot be issued until we have received all of the utility bills for the period of time that has been estimated. This may take up to 8 to 12 weeks after you move out. After SimpleBills has received all of the actual utility bills we will issue the True-Up to you, along with your actual bills.
  • Your invoice must be settled with SimpleBills prior to requesting a True-Up. 

Please follow this link to access the True Up Request form:


Please note the following:

  • You must be logged into your Simplebills account to access the True-Up Request form.
  • In order to be eligible for reconciliation, you must fill out the form within 30 days of your lease end date.
  • Your invoice must be settled with SimpleBills prior to requesting a True-Up
  • This true-up cannot start until we have received all of the utility bills for the period of time that has been estimated. This may take up to 8 to 12 weeks after you move out. After SimpleBills has received all of the actual utility bills we will begin the true-up process. 
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