What do I do if I signed up for SimpleBills at the wrong address?

    • If your property uses SimpleBills:

    Be on the lookout for an email from Simplebills with specific step-by-step signup instructions. If you are within a week from beginning your new lease and have not received your sign-up instructions, please give us a call so that we can get you set up!

    • If you use SimpleBills on your own and utilities are in your or your roommate's name,

    1. Go to our homepage and click on the Sign Up button in the top right. 

    2. Complete the Sign Up process. (If you have roommates, make sure each one creates an account.)

    3. Once your application has been processed, link your utilities in your account. (We'll walk you through it.) 

    If you have questions about the sign up process, we are here to help! Give us a call at 254.230.0199 or contact us here

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