How do I get a sub-leaser to take over my SimpleBills account?


  • If you use SimpleBills through your property, you will be responsible for usage that occurs through your lease dates unless we have consent from the property directly. All lease information and changes, including sublets, are provided to Simplebills directly from your property. No need to contact us unless you have been billed outside of your active lease. 
  • If you use SimpleBills on your own and utilities are in your or your roommate's name, please contact us. The most important step in this process is to make sure that whoever is taking over your lease completes their own SimpleBills application. SimpleBills accounts are non-transferable, meaning you can't just give a sub-leaser your username and password. You will still be responsible for the account until it is closed. Once your sub-leaser has completed their account, they need to contact us to confirm that they will be taking over your utility payments in the future. After these two easy steps are complete we'll be able to move forward with removing your account from service.
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