How can I keep utility costs low when spending more time at home?

In light of recent events, a lot of our residents are spending more time at home. We’ve compiled a few tips for you to ensure that your utility bill stays as low as possible during quarantine!  


  1. Turn off all lights when not in use.  

Did you know that using one single lightbulb can cost you up to $20 per year if burned consistently? Take a look around your home and notice how many lights are on at one given time. Ask yourself which lights are serving a purpose, and which are not. If you decide a light doesn’t need to be on, switch it off to conserve energy. You can even opt to open windows and blinds for natural light at no cost to you!  

  1. Wait to wash dishes till you have a full load. 

The average dishwasher uses approximately 6 gallons of water per cycle, meaning each wash costs about 20 cents. This can add up quickly (especially in a quarantine), so be smart about your next wash!  

  1. Ask yourself: Do I really need to turn up the heat/AC? 

We all know it’s important to be comfortable in your home but being too comfortable all day long can cost you a lot more than anticipated. Opt to pile on the blankets, open a window, or even start a fire to regulate the temperature in the room!  


You can find more tips for keeping costs low here. 

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